Indian food has always been a part of history and it is due to this fact that there are various versions of this cuisine available in the world. There are several schools of thought that have contributed to the evolution of Indian food that can be found in all parts of the world. In the European kitchen, Indian food is mostly served as a starter or side dish whereas in the American one, it forms the major ingredient of a whole meal. However, both these views have not gone very far as many people still opt for the same to cook food on their own.
Indian cooking has come a long way in the past couple of decades, especially when it comes to the ingredients used. The main components have remained the same and are quite simple yet quite effective in delivering the required proteins and vitamins as well as minerals to the body. Indian cuisine does not depend on any particular ingredient but it is on the creativity of the cookery master. The main ingredients have remained quite the same and this is because no changes have come about in their nutritional values or in the way they are cooked as these ingredients are easily available and cheap in almost all the places. The new generation of Indian cooks have learned to adapt to the new techniques that have been introduced and this has led to the evolution of Indian cooking.
When it comes to new techniques that are introduced in the cooking section, one needs to be careful as these techniques are not very new to the American society and therefore, the cookery has not got a chance to adapt to them fully. The main concern remains with the preparation and the decoration of the recipes. This is where the new generation of Indian cooks has not got a chance and is still using the methods that were introduced a long time back. However, with the evolution of Indian cuisine, the new techniques have also evolved like the grilling and the steaming which form the basis of the new variety of Indian recipes. In the coming years, new techniques are bound to emerge and Indian cuisine will get further enriched with every new change.
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